Supporters map of England

England is known to the whole world as the cradle of the most popular side things in the world, football began to be played...

(VIDEO) POLICE BRUTALITY IN BARCELONA: Chelsea fans get a beating

Chelshea fans at Camp Nou were exposed to the violence and the violence at the stadium. Testimonies and recordings testify to this. The Aggression of...

Biris Norte vs Ultras Slask

Seville and Słonsk Wrocław chronology of the conflict "A Kurve from Seville where are you?" This was the result of the Polish hooligans' passage to Seville...

Story about Teddy Boys ‘95 (hools of Legia)

The history of the group "Teddy Boys '95" dates back to the mid-eighties of the last century, when several future members of...


BURNLEY SUICIDE SQUAD The Suicide Squad is a football hooligan firm linked to the English Premier League team, Burnley F.C. The self-imposed title is derived...

Los Funebreros Buenos Aires

The long tradition of clubs and modest results were founded by the anarchists in the city of Buenos Aires, dominated by the largest cemetery...

Story about ultras life…

Here's a short article posted a few years back by a fellow Melbourne knights supporter(what used to be called Melbourne Croatia, a club that...

Chaos in London, Captain beat the fans, West Ham owners leave...

Unhappy West Ham fans For some time West Ham fans have complained about the leadership of the club, and various transparencies have expressed dissatisfaction, but...

TOP7 dangerous hooligans crews in England

They’re as British as Page 3 girls or fish and chips – but they’re far from tasty, except when it comes to a brutal...

Newcastle Gremlins

Newcastle Gremlins are a football hooligan firm associated with the English football club, Newcastle United F.C. In March 2002, the Gremlins fought with hooligans from...